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Sentirsi Studio is committed to providing a safe workspace for our team and clients. With that in mind, we’ve developed this Studio Safety Protocol in response to the COVID-19 pandemic to help ensure the safety of our clients and staff. Every client is expected to take part in implementing and complying with these measures.  


Our clients are the core of our business and we’re incredibly serious about protecting the health of each and every one of them. Our Studio Safety Protocol was developed with expert consultation so that we all feel completely comfortable working out and practicing in our studio.  


The Studio Safety Protocol includes:

  • Health Protocol

  • Hygiene Protocol 

  • Social Distancing Protocol

  • Waiver


Health Protocol:  

The following procedures are being implemented to ensure that healthy people are entering the studio and so that clients/team members may report when they are ill.


Before entering the studio for their first class or session, clients will be required to sign a Studio Safety Protocol Plan included in the waiver.   


  • If a client/team member tests positive for COVID-19 within 10 days of attending the studio, they should immediately contact  

  • Management will review whom the client/team member has had close contact with (close contact being within 6 feet for at least 15 minutes) at the studio.   

  • If you have been in close contact (per the above definition) with an affected client/team member who tests positive for COVID-19, you will be notified via email and phone call.  

  • We are implementing policies to protect all team members’ and clients' health details and conditions. When notifying people who have had close contact with an affected client/team member, their identity and condition will not be shared.  


Hygiene Protocol:  

All clients/team members must implement good hygiene practices. These include:


  • Frequently wash hands: Clients/team members are instructed to wash their hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water at the beginning and end of their session and after using the restroom.  

  • Avoid touching your face.  

  • Use respiratory etiquette: Cover your mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing with a sleeve or tissue. Wash your hands following coughing and sneezing and dispose of tissues in the trash. Avoid touching your face when coughing and sneezing. This etiquette will be demonstrated on signage and supported by making tissues and touch-free trash receptacles available to all employees and clients. Studio will provide hand sanitizer stations throughout the studio to further assist in this.  


Social Distancing Protocol:

The studio will observe social distancing protocol to ensure close contact (contact of less than 6’) is limited.  

  • Only clients who have pre-scheduled appointments or classes will be allowed to enter the facility.

  • Equipment is spaced 6’ or more apart to help ensure social distancing and eliminate close contact between clients at the studio.

  • All people should practice social distancing  by deliberately increasing the space between people to greater than 6’.

  • Clients should arrive on time for appointments and classes and leave immediately following their sessions. Lingering in the reception area is not permitted.


Late Cancellations, Freezes, Cancellations, Payments and Refunds:

In light of COVID-19 all pass and membership plan policies have been updated. 



All passes and  membership plans may be frozen for up to 14 days if a client is ill from, diagnosed with or has been exposed to COVID-19 or up until at least 72 hours have passed since the resolution of fever without the use of fever-reducing medications, and improvement in respiratory symptoms such as shortness of breath or cough, and at least 7 days have passed since symptoms began.. There is no fee for this freeze.


Refunds: No refunds will be provided for passes or membership plans. If a client is ill from, diagnosed with,  or has been exposed to COVID-19, the studio will extend the expiration date of a pass for up to 14 days. This may be extended based on the individual client’s situation. If a client is ill from, diagnosed with or has been exposed to COVID-19, the studio will allow for a membership plan freeze of up to 14 days. This may be extended based on the individual client’s situation. There are no refunds for individual sessions. There are no refunds for unused sessions.



As of this time all of our waivers of liability have been updated to include infectious disease within them.  


Communication Plan:

This plan is being communicated to clients and team members through our Studio Safety Protocol Plans, interior club signage, and our Studio Safety Protocol Manual. Additional communication and training may be communicated over email, phone calls, or updates to our manual.  

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